Increased prices led to increased theft in Hungary

High inflation rates affect everyone. Even in Western Europe, the number of thefts has risen since prices soared. In some places, even security tags had to be put on everyday items, not just alcoholic drinks. In Hungary, the number of thefts increased by more than 20 percent since inflation rates skyrocketed. Stealing mostly takes place in supermarkets.

According to the number of thefts in Hungary has increased by 22.52 percent compared to last year. The National Police Headquarters reported 8,396 theft cases from supermarkets so far this year. From small retail shops, the number of thefts has increased by 23 percent and this means 908 cases. From tobacco shops, people steal 45 percent more and there were 89 cases. At petrol stations, the number of thefts only increased by 2 percent though, with 414 cases.

The growing number of thefts

Unsurprisingly, most theft takes place in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, as almost a fifth of the country lives there. The lowest number of thefts happened in the counties of Vas and Komárom-Esztergom. In terms of items, there was growth in every single type of commodity, except for one. People are stealing 30 percent fewer mobile phones and accessories compared to last year. However, the cases of stealing food and foodstuff have risen by 25 percent on average.

In the largest supermarket chains, like Lidl, Tesco or Spar, even organised crime has occurred. Thieves go into the shops serially to prepare packages of multiple items to steal them. They do not even steal for themselves anymore, but for resale purposes or orders. The most popular stolen items are burnt spirits, sweets and chemicals, said Márk Maczelka, Spar’s communication director.

In Tesco, both the number of thefts and stolen items have doubled since August. Here, most of the stolen items are beverages, cheese, clothes, toys, meats and cosmetic items. These are not just low-cost robberies, as some of the cases can mean hundreds of euros in damages.


At Lidl, the leadership did not find a significant correlation between the growing crime rates and the current economic situation. Despite the findings, Lidl still takes precautions to prevent as many thefts as possible. The same can be said about Tesco, where they use various technologies and staff to deter thieves. Spar heavily relies on advanced CCTV systems with which they can capture high-quality footage of thieves, which makes the job of the police a lot easier.

It is visible that the rates of crime have grown in the past year, but the situation is still not as grave as in some Western European cases. In the United Kingdom, some shops put security tags even on food items like cheese. So far, this does not seem like a necessary measure in Hungary.

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  1. Pharmaceuticals – the OVER-the-counter medication – like Voltarin and Cataflam – the MASSIVE Exploitation to Citizens – being PRACTICED by Pharmacy Groups – in Budapest, Hungary – CRIMINAL-Appalling.
    The (2) two – o which factually there are hundreds – the increase mark up in these MEDICATIONS has been post February 2020 BUT MASSIVELY Accelerated in the past 12 Months – sees the price of these (2) two Medications – increased over 90% in price post February 2020.

    90% – increase just singling out these (2) two over the counter MEDICATIONS – that have a HIGH Statistical demand within the population of Hungary – the price rise – ABOMINABLE.

    Appalling – and WRONGFUL with NO logical reasons why these DAILY – nonprescription MEDICATIONS – have been ESCULATED – risen to these HUMUNGOUS cost level.

    Is the Government we know the 27% vat component, highest in Europe, but as CITIZENS – patients – are they being BLEED – Exploited by this Government?
    My “inside” the Medical Professions comes up with a MASSIVE yes, that citizens/patients are getting ABUSED on the cost of their Medication – over the counter and by our prescriptions.

    This is ANOTHER factual example – what this Government is TELLING Hungarians what Inflation is running at in Hungary – when in FACT – it is near or a “Mean” of 75% – which is rising – and a cataclysmic added disaster on the SHAMBLES of the collapsing Hungarian Economy.

  2. Times we Live.
    Increase the DEEDS we Do others – can HELP, just little things.
    Lawfully it is WRONG – but to live exist – those in Hungary in their millions in the LOW socioeconomic level of society – absolute desperation is present and growing in Hungary.
    Nothing is GETTING Cheaper – and Winter, what is going to be the developing disastrous picture – for millions of Hungarians.

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